Freeling IT


Freeling IT is a web service that performs sentence splitting, tokenization, part-of-speech tagging, morphological analysis and lemmatization on Italian texts only. It was originally deployed within the EU-FP7-STREP PANACEA project ( and implements the Freeling 2.1 libraries with no modification of the original code (which is available here).

For a description of the Freeling tool see Lluís Padró and Miquel Collado and Samuel Reese and Marina Lloberes and Irene Castellón. FreeLing 2.1: Five Years of Open-Source Language Processing Tools Proceedings of 7th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC 2010), ELRA La Valletta, Malta. May, 2010.

Input format: plain text.
Output format: freeling tabbed format.

Note: please use UTF8 char encoding without BOM.

Service URL: freeling_it (WSDL)

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