Through the LaRI (Language Resources and Infrastructures) Research Group, CNR-ILC has built ILC4CLARIN (ILC4CLARIN Centre at the Institute for Computational Linguistics), a Technical Centre to document and deposit language resources, technologies and services and make them available to the relevant scientific community.
ILC4CLARIN was set up as a CLARIN Metadata Providing Centre (of type C) between the end of 2015 and the beginning of 2016 under the aegis of CLARIN-IT, the Italian Consortium of CLARIN ERIC, and was added to CLARIN Centres in June 2016.

Being it compliant with the 2017-2019 version of the Guidelines set by the Core Trust Seal Board, on 18th April 2018 the ILC4CLARIN Repository was certified as a Trustworthy Data Repository.

On 30th April 2018 ILC4CLARIN was officially recognized as a CLARIN Service Providing Centre (of type B) able to offer the most advanced services thanks to the long standing expertise of the host institute in this sector and was therefore added to CLARIN Certified B-Centres.
ILC4CLARIN aims at building an infrastructure for language resources and technology to support scholars in the sector of Social Sciences and Humanities.
The main objective of ILC4CLARIN is to ensure that interested Italian researchers have access to CLARIN-compatible European language resources, while promoting access to Italian language resources by researchers from other countries.
ILC4CLARIN allows scholars to:
- describe their language resources through appropriate metadata;
- share their language resources through clear access policies.
ILC4CLARIN is developing strategies for the documentation of language resources produced in Italy, with a particular attention to the languages spoken in Italy and to classical languages such as Ancient Greek and Latin.

Being it compliant with the Core Trust Seal Requirements 2020-2022, on 8th August 2023 the ILC4CLARIN Repository was re-certified as a Trustworthy Data Repository until 7th August 2026.
Current CoreTrustSeal Certified Data Repositories