On 13th October 2021 DiPText-KC (CLARIN Knowledge Centre for Digital and Public Textual Scholarship) was officially recognized as a CLARIN Knowledge Centre (of type K) by the Executive Director of CLARIN ERIC until 12th October 2024.

Certificate of Recognition 2021-2024 (PDF) | Centre Certification Persistent Identifier
DiPText-KC is one of the CLARIN Centres born under the aegis of CLARIN-IT, the Italian Consortium of CLARIN ERIC.
As part of the CLARIN Knowledge Infrastructure, DiPText-KC offers expertise on methods, data, instruments and technologies relevant in the field of Philological and Literary Studies, History, Art History and Cultural Heritage.
DiPText-KC operates as a distributed virtual center constituted by two partners: VeDPH (Venice Centre of Digital and Public Humanities) of UniVE-DSU (Department of Humanities of the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice) and CNR-ILC (Institute for Computational Linguistics “Antonio Zampolli” of the National Research Council of Italy), which participates in it through CoPhiLab (Collaborative and Cooperative Philology Laboratory).