

Browsing/Querying of Textual Data 

Italian Dialogues by Giordano Bruno

This collection of the works of Giordano Bruno was packaged in the 70s-80s in cooperation with the Insitute for the European Intellectual Lexicon, then called Study Centre of the CNR, ILIESI today.

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Corpus of the Works of St. Teresa de Ávila

This corpus of works by S. Teresa de Ávila was produced in the 80s-90s within a research project promoted by Prof. Guido Mancini with the collaboration of UniPI, UniTO (in the person of Prof. Ruffinatto) and CNR-ILC.

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Cretan Institutional Inscriptions

Web application to query the collection of epigraphic records relating to Cretan institutions from the period between VII and I centuries BC created within the doctoral project of Irene Vagionakis (UniVE), maintained by UniVE-DSU VeDPH and hosted by ILC4CLARIN.

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FreeLing to COnLL Converter

Converter from FreeLing output to COnLL tab-format. It also converts POS-tags and morphological-tags.

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MWExtractor .tsv to LMF Converter

Converter from MWExtractor .tsv output file to LMF.

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COnLL Dependency to GrAF Converter

Converter from texts with dependency annotations (COnLL format) to GrAF.

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Extraction/Acquisition of Linguistic Information 

SCF Extractor (IT)

Subcategory extractor for the Italian language only.

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SCF Extractor (Language-indipendent)

Language-independent subcategory extractor.

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Multiword Extractor

Language-independent multiword extractor.

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Multiword Extractor: Average Frequency Filter

Multiword extractor that applies an average frequency filter on MWE.

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Multiword Extractor: Merge Overlapping Strings

Multiword extractor that applies a filter that merges overlapping strings.

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Multiword Extractor: Remove Stopwords

Multiword extractor that applies a filter that removes expressions that contain given stopwords.

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Multiword Extractor: Remove Substrings

Multiword extractor that applies a filter that removes substrings.

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Multiword Extractor: Reorder

Multiword extractor that applies a filter that reorders ExtractorMW data by pair_frequency.

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Lexical Editing 


Collaborative Web editor used for the creation and management of (multilingual) lexical and terminological resources as linked data resources.

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LMF Merger

LMF merger of two Italian lexicons.

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LMF ML Merger

Multilevel LMF merger.

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Text Annotation/Analysis 

Freeling IT

Freeling executable for the Italian language only.

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Dependency shift/reduce parser for Italian language.

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LTFW (Linguistic Tools For Weblicht)

Java porting of the perl-based tokenizer developed within the OpeNER project.

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